The Hjørundfjord

A Taste of Norway


Price from $175

Difficulty level

Level 1: Easy - suitable for most people

Booking code



2 hours 15 minutes


Read the practical information below

  • Visit the small but charming village of Urke in the Sunnmøre Alps.

  • Travel through Norangsdalen, one of Norway’s narrowest valleys.

  • See sights such as Lyngstølvatnet Lake and the historic Hotel Union Øye.

Sailing into The Hjørundfjord, you’ll leave the ship on a small boat (RIB) to travel to the shore. You’ll disembark at the village of Urke, nestled among the scenic Sunnmøre Alps.

From here, a bus brings you through Norangsdalen, one of Norway’s narrowest valleys. Along the way, we’ll see Lyngstølvatnet Lake, which was created when a natural landslide dammed part of the nearby Norang River and flooded the area. On days when the weather is calm, you can still see the ruins of a submerged farmstead from the surface of the water.

We also pass though the village of Øye to see the distinctive Hotel Union Øye. Some of history’s most famous kings, queens, writers, composers, and explorers have all stayed here.

Then, we’ll stop at a small shieling, where you’ll enjoy some snacks and take in the magnificent landscape. The tour ends back in Urke after browsing the goods of the local grocer.

Practical information

  • Disembarking/embarking Port: Urke

  • Available from: September 2 - November 1

  • Transportation: Boat/Bus

  • Meals during the excursion: Snacks

  • Clothes/footwear: Comfortable shoes and warm clothing

Excursion can also be combined with: